At TUNECT CRO we are proud to have one of the strong and professional data management team, which possesses extensive experience and a deep understanding of data collection systems in clinical trials with up to 20 years of experience senior data managers, having experience of successfully conducted trials across various therapeutic areas such as oncology, neurology, endocrinology, urology, and infectious diseases on all stages.

From project to project our Data Management activities encompass project coordination, DM document development/review, eCRF development, screen and edit check building, online “custom report” generation, EDC system testing and implementation, protocol amendments, IXRS requirements, data cleaning, SAE reconciliation supervision, manual data review, ongoing data reports, electronic data transfer specifications, external data reconciliation monitoring, CDISC SDTM database structure development, SDTM checks generation, inconsistency review, participation in audits, inspections, meetings, PMF maintenance support, staff training, and SDTM dataset review.

Let’s explore some of the Electronic Data Capture (Medidata SolutionsOracleEnnovViedocOpenClinicaMedrio) systems our Data Managers have experience with (For the slide deck preparation thanks to our professionals Tatiana PelevinaNatalia KirilenkovaZhanna Ostankovich, and Olesya Tsvetkova).
